#RUOKDay2023 is Thursday 14 September.

#RUOKDay2023 is Thursday 14 September. We’re asking everyone to let the people they care about know; ‘I’m here, to hear’, every day of the year. You told us the most important factors to encourage an honest conversation are: ➡️ Trust
➡️ Authenticity
➡️ Environment By taking the time for an R U OK? conversation and genuinely listening with an open mind, we can all help the people in our world feel supported and connected. “Ask this question because you mean it. If you really care and want to hear an honest answer, be genuine, make space to listen and let the person know you’re sticking around for whatever comes next,” said R U OK? CEO Katherine Newton You can learn more and access the FREE ‘I’m here to hear’ resources at https://bit.ly/3y6vzQc
