
Clients are the focus of Ravenshoe Community Centre Inc’s operations and it is important that their rights are acknowledged and promoted at every opportunity.

RCC Inc is committed to access and equity within a social justice framework.

As service users, clients will also be informed of their responsibilities to the Organisation.


This policy applies to all RCC Inc programs, staff and volunteers.

Statement of Client Rights


  • To be accepted as an individual, and to have individual and cultural preferences respected
  • To be treated with dignity, withprivacy respected and personal information treated confidentially
  • To respect the right to maintain independence and control over their lives
  • To be supported to attain optimum levels of health and wellbeing


  • To be involved in identifying the support most appropriate for their needs within the limits of resources available
  • To have the choice to refuse any service that is offered to them
  • To participate in making decisions that affect them
  • To be informed that opportunities exist for them to participate in program subcommittees and the Collective Management process.


  • To have access to reliable, coordinated, safe, quality support which is appropriate to their assessed needs
  • To have access to support as described in any care plan that takes account of their lifestyle, other arrangements and considerations and cultural, linguistic and religious preferences
  • To participate in ongoing reviews of the support they receive (both periodic and in response to changes in their personal circumstances), and modification of the support as required.

Personal Information

  • To have personal information collected, maintained and used in compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles (2014).
  • To have access to personal information held by RCC Inc


  • To be assisted to understand any information they receive
  • To be made aware of the ‘Client Service Charter’
  • To choose an appropriate advocate

Comments and Complaints

  • To be given information on how to make comments and complaints about the support they receive
  • To complain about the support they receive, without fear of losing the support or being disadvantaged in any way
  • To have complaints investigated fairly and confidentially, and that appropriate steps are taken to resolve issues of concern.

Statement of Client Responsibilities


  • To respect the human, legal and industrial rights of RCC Inc staff and volunteers, including the right to work in a safe environment
  • To treat RCC Inc staff and volunteers politely without exploitation, discrimination or harassment
  • To inform the relevant program if they are unable to attend an arranged appointment/meeting time
  • Act in a way which respects the rights of other clients of RCC Inc
  • To treat with respect and not harm any equipment or property belonging to RCC Inc.


  • To abide by the terms of any written agreement or care plan
  • To acknowledge that support needs may change and to negotiate modifications when this occurs
  • To accept responsibility for personal actions and choices even though some decisions may involve an element of risk.


  • To give enough information to assist the relevant program to develop, deliver and review a care plan
  • To inform the Organisation or relevant program about any problems with the service they receive.


  • To respect and abide by any WH&S policies relevant to RCC Inc and the services provided.

Security of Tenure

Clients have a right to security of tenure to their support services unless their needs change significantly, RCC Inc is no longer able to meet their needs, and/or if delivering support puts RCC Inc staff and volunteers at risk.

Related Policies and Documentation