If you’re pursuing higher education across Atherton Tablelands, Mareeba, and surrounds, why not join Donna, Bel, and the rest of our TUC community on your journey? For more info, visit our website ➡️ www.tuc.edu.au

Big shoutout to our friends from ECHO – Donna & Bel! 📚✨ They’re taking their careers to new heights with Diplomas of Community Services through TAFE Queensland, and we’re thrilled to welcome them to the Tablelands University Centre (TUC) at VPG, providing them with a quiet and dedicated space to study. If you’re pursuing higher education across Atherton Tablelands, Mareeba, and surrounds, why not join Donna, Bel, and the rest of our TUC community on your journey? For more info, visit our website ➡️ www.tuc.edu.au #VPG #VocationalPartnershipsGroup #TablelandsUniversityCentre #TUC #RegionalUniversityCentre #RegionalUniversityStudyHub #CreatingOpportunities #FNQ #Tablelands #Atherton #Mareeba
